Stage lighting design play
Stage lighting design play

stage lighting design play

Limelights were used through the 1860s and 1970, and used in follow spots, which is why we have the term “in the limelight.” Less to clean up.An early type of light that was used in the theater was called a lime light because the flame was created by burning a cylinder of quicklime (calcium oxide). The improved the flow of oxygen from the faster moving air creates a brighter flame with less soot-less soot is good. This gas lantern uses the Argand burner principle where gas flows through a pierced ring-shaped burner, making it hotter in the center and making the air move through faster. Lighting designers and stage technicians love technology.

stage lighting design play

  • Then there were gaslights, and always there was someone making the best of the technology.
  • Then performances moved indoors and there were candles and oil lamps.
  • First there was the sun and performances were held outdoors at the time of day that best reflected the mood of the story.
  • The history of stage lighting follows generally along the lines of the history of lighting in general.
  • Film lighting can be considered a category of it’s own because film lighting needs to accomidate the camera, but it and stage lighting share the same basic principles of design and the same basic technology in light fixtures.

    stage lighting design play

    It is also used to light art installations, parties and films. Stage lighting is used in presentations of all kinds from subdued, small-scale theater to high energy, showy concerts.

    Stage lighting design play